cocnut popcorn

This week I'm leaving my juicer alone, and im going to focus on a healthy snack!!! We went on a little family trip 2 weeks ago and I was looking for a healthy snack for my daughter for the car ride. I got her a packet of organic popcorn...She was so happy she loves popcorn. It made me think how silly is it to actually buy popcorn from the shop when it is so easy to make at home.
  • popcorn kernels
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • salt
      Simply put the oil in the pot, once it melts and it is hot add a handful of popcorn kernels cover your pot with a lid. You can now hear the corn pop in the pot make sure you are turning your pot to get even heat. Once it is all poped add some salt. And you are done it takes 5min and you have a lovely snack base that you can season in many different ways.
